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The bottle return system in germany is very difficult...

Los, Freiwillige vor.
Wer möchte einem Engländer erklären, wie in Deutschland das Pfandsystem funktionert? Und warum er z.B. eine Flasche nicht bei uns abgeben kann, obwohl sie fast genau so aussieht, wie die, die wir verkaufen - mit dem Unterschied, daß seine vom Discounter mit Insel-Pfandlösung ist... :-|


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Amtsleiter am :

Germany is very proud of its complex system of laws, regulations and ordinances. We love to regulate every aspect of our life.

That is why you can not return certain bottles at the local SPAR market.


MatzeNr2000 am :

As you propably know, we in Germany have something called "Dosenpfand", which means you have to return many bottles or tins to your local supermarket. Now because of the lack of regulation, several market chains such as ALDI or LIDL developed their own system. Because of that, you can only return bottles bought there to their respective market - in case of ALDI bottles for example your local ALDI market. These bottles won't be taken back by other markets.

Hoffe, das ist einigermaßen verständlich - obwohl der Kunde schon längst wieder weg sein dürfte. Aber beim nächsten Mal... ;-)

Nicole Simon am :

"Not invented here" dürfte für den Part helfen, daß er es nicht abgeben können soll ... ;-)

calcaneus am :

ich glaube der grossteil der deutschen kann das system nicht mal auf deutsch erklären...

Anonym am :

Dear Sir,

you are experiencing a major clusterfuck, proudly brought to you and us by incompetent and unwilling dealerships, and market chains in association with the drink producers.

You know, these people had an early warning, in fact 13 years of warning. If they won't reduce the amount of non-returnable bottels, they would have to face a law, forcing them to accept them as returns. When they finally had to face the music, they tried everything to dodge the law. One major strategy included and still includes to annoy the customers to no end, in the hope that the people would vent their anger at the politicians and forcing the politicians to revert the law. Because of this strategy, and unbelievable incompetence of the managers in the industry (I will come back to this in a second), you still can't return these bottles wherever you like.

Regarding the incompetent managers, can you believe that they didn't manage to build up a working return system? You know, we in fact have a working system for decades, which is for re-usable bottles. But theses heros of the industry didn't manage to utilize the same system for non-reusable bottles. They didn't manage to clone it. In fact, when they got a grace period, because they claimed they wanted to set up a nation-wide return system, they had to declare defeat in the end. They said they couldn't organize and manage such a system, because it was to complex. Please note we talk about top CEOs, with insane salaries. German CEOs, who have a reputation of running everything in a well ordered and optimized way didn't manage to organize the collecton of empty bottles. How ironic. Problably they can't even organize a child birthday party.

But the strategy didn't work. The law didn't go away. It was even enhanced a little bit to force the dealers and market chains to behave slightly better. However, they follow it to the smalles extend possible. And that is that they have to accept exactly(!) identical bottles of the one they sell. So every chain simply uses a slightly different bottle. Especially the large chains just use bottles with their own logo, formally making these bottles different from other bottles.

If you feel fucked, yes, you are. We all are. I suggest you politley explain your anger to your dealer. In the hope that at some point enough of the dealers complain to their market chains and light a fire under the butts of these idiotic managers.

I am sorry that I have no better news for you.

Olav am :

Das ist Absicht. Wenn sie auf der rechten Straßenseite fahren und mit EURO bezahlen würden, dann vielleicht ... eines Tages ...

Bis Europa ist noch ein weiter Weg. Und vieileicht sollten wir noch einmal die Franzosen fragen, wie sie das 1789 genau gemacht haben. (Bezüglich der CEOs und Politiker ...)

marcc am :

Sowas habe ich doch heute schonmal woanders gelesen. Wo gibt es denn die damaligen Gerätschaften zu kaufen? ;-)

Olav am :

Die können wir uns aus aufgeschnittenen Konservendosen etc. selbst basteln. Soll denen doch das duale System im Halse stecken bleiben.

Ian am :

Zum Glück soll aber einiges wieder vereinfacht werden, zum Beispiel Mülltrennung (Abschaffung, gefordert von der FDP iirc). Vielleicht sehen wir auch beim "Dosenpfand" bald Verbesserung?!

Dr. v. Quack am :

Etwas mehr Umgangssprache bitte:

Hey man,

you know there are some bitches in our Bundestag who invented a really really great system for returning cans called "Dosenpfand". It sucks because you can't just easily return your bottles at the next supermarket. No, you have to go the long way to the market where you've bought your beverage.

ok bisschen klischeehaft aber naja..

Olaf König am :

that is germany live.
when ever you think in germany, you think false, because you are not allowed to thinking, that's the part of the ugly politicans in the Bundestag.

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